Have you ever taken a look at your task list and just felt overwhelmed with the sheer amount you had to get done? If you haven't, I envy you. This happens to me all the time, and when it does, I find myself doing one simple thing to help me manage this ever-growing task list. It's called a "Soon, Later, Someday" list, and it really helps me narrow down what I think I need to get done in day vs. what I actually need to get done.
Grab a piece of paper or your planner, (or better yet, the FREE printable I made for you!) and let's get to work organizing those tasks!
Drop in all tasks you know you need to get done in the next day or two. Deadline coming up? Something due by a certain time? Time crunch? Put in everything here that you know you have to get done in the next couple days.
This list accounts for the remainder of the week. If you need it done 3-7 days from now, put it here. These tasks should be completed once all NOW! items are finished.
This list can really encompass any time frame you're comfortable with. I usually have it span 1-3 weeks away, or sometimes even a month. They're lower priority tasks, or perhaps projects that take awhile to complete.
This lists holds all those projects that you want to do, but don't currently have time for. Need a weekend but don't know when you'll get one? Put it here and you can work on the task/project as time is available.
Put it to Work
This strategy is super helpful for me when I have too many tasks for a simple list-based approach. It helps me narrow down my commitments and prioritize my time. Sometimes I am even able to remove some things from my list, if I realize it doesn't help propel me forward toward my goals.
Feeling overwhelmed? Download your printable and try putting it to use: I'm certain you'll see clarity improved productivity.
Don't forget to download the free printable! You'll find it in the free resource library. after signing up below!

Enjoying this process of finding the best time to tackle your tasks? This is just one of the lessons I teach in my FREE course "Transform the Overwhelm: 7 Days to Peaceful Productivity", which you can sign up for right now. Every day for a week you’ll receive detailed instructions, exercises, and support from me as you navigate your own list and work to transform those feelings of overwhelm into true productivity. Don't miss out!